Welcome to the New Adventures of the Princess and the Peanut! I am so glad that you have dropped by for a visit... please leave a comment! I love having visitors and making new friends! If you want to follow along, just click on the link on the right side of this page. Much Love, Gracie and Jack's Momma!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Ok, first… Jack. He is so funny!!!

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Ok… now that we have that out of the way! LOL!

I am not a very creative person… I scrapbook a little bit and love doing it, but I just never find the time to work on it. Well, my best friend and I have found something that we both love to do, and it is easy, and we feel so very creative doing it… DECOUPAGE!!! It is so simple, and we had so much fun doing it! Here are a few pictures. We worked on picture frames and clipboards. I love my clipboard! You will se a lot more to come, I am sure! :)

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