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Monday, April 28, 2008

One of those days...

So, you ever have one of those days where you just feel like you can't get anything accomplished and you just want to stay in bed, pull the covers up over your head and just go back to sleep. I knew that it was going to be one of those morning as soon as I woke up. First off... back back was bothering me, nothing new there, and then when I went in to get the baby, she wanted to cling to me every second. You know... very soon, I am sure there will be a point in time when she doesn't want me to cuddle her anymore, so I should really rellish these moments. However... today, she really didn't want me to put her down at all! Part of the problem is that on the weekends, when her daddy is home, she is held and played with, and basically spoiled more than she would normally be during the week. Also... in the recent past, I have had some back problems, so my mom and Doug's mom were both here and basically held Grace all the time, even through her naps. So, by 11, I was exhausted and my back was killing me. I decided that today was going to have to be a tough love kinda day. Well... I fed her some bananas at 11. She was still very clingy and I hadn't even had a shower yet... so I did it. I took her to her room, changed her diaper and put her in her bed. I took the monitor into the kitchen and as she cried, I just did everything that I could to keep myself from going in there and getting her out of her bed. Well... she cried... like seriously cried, for about 15 minutes straight. Then it started happening... slowly but surely the crying softened... then it was just a little snuffing here and there, to at last... a slow steady breathing. She was(da, da, daaaaa), asleep! I have literally... never been happier. I was a good moment in mommy time. For about the last month, she has refused to be laid down for a nap. Everytime that she would fall asleep, and I would try to lay her down, she would wake up. So... this is going to hopefully become a routine. I am just going to have to endure the crying, but hopefully this will be something I can keep up and eventually she will get used to just being laid down and go right to sleep... sure Can, keep dreaming! Well... until later!


momof2beautifulgirls said...

Good for you. Those are tough days...