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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anxiety... frustrations, and annoyances.

Sometimes... there are days where this is the only place I can really vent. My husband is wonderful, but honestly he does not understand why I get so upset sometimes. He thinks I am being stupid, I am pretty sure, so I just don't talk to him about things that are bothering me. I really can't talk about it here either, but just the fact that I am saying anything sometimes helps.

So... today, I am just going to address my anxieties... I have 2 weddings coming up over the next two weekends. One... should be fine, it is my cousin's wedding, and I am taking the pictures, which is my comfort zone. The second wedding however... is not really in my comfort zone AT ALL! Do you remember the girl that decided to fire me from taking her wedding pictures a few months ago... well, we decided to go ahead and video tape her wedding. I am having anxiety about that, because honestly, I am not a videographer! I am a photographer... my mom is the video person. I am really wishing that I had not accepted this job. The reason is because the day after that wedding is Grace's birthday party! Yes... I am nuts!

Anyway... Pray for me! I am going to stop whining now! :)