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Monday, July 7, 2008

Where have these 11 months go?

OK, so I think my last post about Grace's age was back when she turned 9 months old. Seriously... where have these 2 months gone? I mean... she went from 9 to 11 months like- that! I am seriously amazed! Grace is constantly amazing me, learning new things, saying new things(which I can't really understand, but I am sure that she does!), and going where I doubt that she could go... but always ends up there anyway... hence the picture of her in Honey's cage! LOL!
Honestly, I am shocked that in just one month, my little baby will be 1 year old!

I am looking back over the blog when Grace turned 9 months old. I am trying to think of everything that she is doing, and honestly... I am drawing a blank. So, I will just start with the obvious that I can think of.... Gracie is:


She is finally warming up to people besides me, Doug, my parents and Doug's parents. She was going through a small spell of crying when some people held her.... she is working her way out of that. I know they all go through it, but it was hard for me to see her cry on my 12 year old cousin Abby, when all that I want is for her to be buddies with her. Finally... she is! YEAH!

She tells Honey to be a good girl...(ok, not really, but doesn't this look like she is bossing her around?)
She is standing up to anything that she pull herself up to... as well as standing without holding on to anything, of course, until she realizes that she is not holding on, then she goes down on her bum! LOL!

She talks on the phone... even when no one is on the other line! This started about 2 weeks ago... well, actually I have been working on this, but it was really cute when it happened. So, for a while now, whenever either Doug or my mom is on the phone I would hold the phone up to Grace's ear and she would usually just sit there, and not say anything, but she would smile. Well... not too long ago, we were at Doug's mom and dad's and our niece Tori gave Grace the toy phone and she was actually putting it up to her ear(well... it was in the vacinity of her ear) and she was making this loud squawking noise that sounded like hello. It was so cute!

So... I am sure that I will think of more later, but for now... that is all that I can come up with!

For now, here are some pics that I snapped of my little doll baby tonight... on her 11 month birthday!

Have a great evening... love ya'll!


momof2beautifulgirls said...

boy before you know it she will be going to school cherish each and every moment.....

marshan said...

Talk to me about it; they grow up so fast.